Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Taking a break - in the five senses

Taking a break can be done in many forms. Just reading what my friend laura O'Connell from Australia sent me made me close my eyes and see and feel it all. I opened my eyes and sighed, and it was like I was sitting there beside her, half a world away.
Laura O'Connell: I know I need a break when I’m feeling scratchy – everyone and everything seems to have taken more from me than I can give. I’m on a tight budget, so that means fancy holidays are out.
I go to my back veranda and sit in my favourite chair with my feet up on the railing and before me is a view I never grow tired of – the glorious Gold Coast of Australia.
I hear God in the sounds of the birds; the dog next door nosing his metallic bowl along the concrete; the laughter of children playing at the local school; and the cars tooting letting me know the world is alive.
I smell God in a neighbour’s cooking; the damp earthiness of my potted plants after watering; jasmine scent; and a hint of smoke from a distant fire.
I touch God in my wooden chair that was once a seedling; the fibres of my cushion that were once a plant; and my skin that was made in the image of Him.
I taste God in the velvet water I drink, cleansing my tongue that has indulged more than it should have .
Taking time with God is the perfect break for me. I’m reminded of where I’ve come from, what it is to be. This simple break refreshes me ready to be part of the chaos that is our world today. Sometimes all we need is a few minutes away from the every day.

Wow, I've had my break today. My thought/question of the day is, when you sit in your back yard, what do your own five senses of sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste tell you?

I invite you to visit Laura's website at

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